Searching Unclaimed Funds
Pursuant to Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure Rule 3011(b), any party wishing to obtain information about funds deposited under § 347(a) of the U.S. Code that remain unclaimed in our Court is directed to the Unclaimed Funds Locator website. The Unclaimed Funds Locator website is a searchable database of unclaimed funds held by most bankruptcy courts in the United States. To search for unclaimed funds for our Court, select “PAWB – Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court” from the dropdown list and enter any applicable search criteria. Anyone needing access to a computer to perform a search may use the Court’s public computer terminals located at either the Pittsburgh or Erie Clerk’s Offices.
Please be aware that only requests for unclaimed funds held by the Bankruptcy Court of the Western District of Pennsylvania (PAWB) should be filed in our Court. For unclaimed funds appearing on the Unclaimed Funds Locator for another bankruptcy court, please consult the rules and procedures for that specific court and file the request in the appropriate venue.
Requests for Disbursement of Unclaimed Funds
Any party seeking disbursement of unclaimed funds should file a motion and proposed order pursuant to W.PA.LBR 3011-1. Please see W.PA.LBR 3011-1 for further information.