Title: Judicial Law Clerk - Term
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The application submission process will be open until the position is filled.
Title: IT Administrator
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The application submission process will be open until the position is filled.
Help making PDF files.
The AO 78 Application for Employment is an Acrobat file with fields that enable you to key your information onto the form. The free Acrobat Reader does not allow you to save the completed form. If you cannot save the application form try one of the following methods to prepare the application for submission.
Many scanners and multi-function printers are able to scan paper to a PDF file. If you have a scanner or multi-function printer fill out the form using Acrobat Reader and print it to paper then scan the paper copy to a PDF file.
If you do not have a scanner or multi-function printer you can fill out the application using Acrobat Reader, print it to paper and have a copy center convert the paper document to PDF format for you.
There are free programs available on the Internet that allow you to generate PDF files. Tutorials are also available from various sources to assist you. The court cannot assist you with any programs or utilities you choose to install on your computer. Only download programs from trustworthy, reliable web sources.
The AO 078 form is available in fillable PDF format and MS Word format. Note: the AO 078 form must be submitted in PDF format.