The CM/ECF Electronic Learning Modules provide step by step instructions, including screen shots, for the Docket Events listed below. A menu is provided within each event’s module to enable movement to a specific portion of the event and/or to repeat the instructions for a step within the event. The modules enable users to preview a docket event to ensure proper entry.
A device (computer/tablet/cellphone) with speakers or headphones is necessary to listen to the modules. The modules are also closed captioned.
If you have any questions regarding the modules, please contact please contact Kevin Murphy by email at or by phone at (412) 355-2516.
PAWB ELMs for Docket Events:
- Introduction to Electronic Learning Modules
- Maintain your ECF Account: How to change personal information including your password and view your transaction log
- Open an Adversary Proceeding: How to open an Adversary Proceeding (New 11/24/2021)
- Amended Schedules: How to File Amended Schedules (Updated 11/24/2021)
- File a Multi-Part Motion: How to file a multi-part motion (Updated 11/24/2021)
- File a Proof of Claim: How to file a Proof of Claim (New 03/28/2022)
- File an Amended Proof of Claim: How to file an Amended Proof of Claim (New 03/28/2022)
- Open a Voluntary Chapter 7 Case: How to open a Chapter 7 voluntary case (Updated 11/24/2021)
Additional Information:
How to Use PACER Public Access to Court Electronic Records (external link):
The Attorney Manual can be accessed in alphabetical order: Topics in Alphabetical Order
Note: Additionally, there is a Trouble-Shooting Guide available for users with full attorney logins.
Access the Limited Filing Users Manual
To obtain a login to the CM/ECF system, see Register For CM/ECF.
Attorney Manual for EASI (Electronic Access to Sales Information)