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Judge Jeffery A. Deller

54th Floor U.S. Steel Tower
600 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Ph. 412-644-4710
Fax: 412-355-3153

Notice and Order Regarding Recording of Zoom Hearings

Notice of Hybrid and In-Person Only Hearings Before Judge Jeffery A. Deller

List of Self-Scheduled Hearing Dates

For non-evidentiary matters parties may appear at either Courtroom D, 54th Floor, U.S. Building, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, 15219, or Courtroom B, First Floor Penn Traffic Building, 319 Washington Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901.

Procedures for the Chambers of Judge Jeffery A. Deller

Examples of forms:

Staff Information

Law Clerk Juliann
Law Clerk Jacob
Courtroom Deputy  Jeff


Judge Tabs