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Effective June 26, 2023 (Revised: October 8, 2024)


The following procedures are specific to Judge Melaragno's cases and are mandatory unless otherwise ordered.

These procedures and the hearing dates posted are subject to change at any time. Parties and Counsel are responsible for reviewing the procedures and using only the posted hearing dates.

These procedures supplement and do not replace the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Local Rules, and Standing Orders of this Court.

  (1)       Filing Pleadings and Proposed Orders:
(a)       All pleadings are to be electronically filed with the Clerk’s Office. All pleadings requesting relief must include, as a separate attachment, a proposed order which details the specific relief to be granted. All pleadings and other documents, including orders and certificates of service, regarding a matter that is already filed shall contain the caption, case number and docket number of the matter to which they relate.
(b)       Exhibits, affidavits, or other attachments should normally be filed as part of the pleading or motion to which they pertain. The Court understands that occasionally such material may need to be the subject of a separate, subsequent filing because it was inadvertently omitted from the original filing, or was unavailable when the original filing was made, etc. In such instances, the material is not be filed as a “bare” document but must instead include a “cover sheet” that at least contains the appropriate caption and a title that includes reference to the pleading or motion to which it is related.
(c)       Accompanying this procedure narrative are a number of recommended forms to be used in Judge Melaragno cases.
  (2)       No Courtesy Copies: No courtesy paper copies of electronically filed pleadings shall be delivered directly to Judge Melaragno unless specifically ordered.
  (3)       Expedited Hearings:
(a)       In regard to all expedited matters, immediately upon filing, Counsel is required to telephonically or electronically notify Courtney at 814-464-9761
(b)       In all cases, the movant shall serve a copy of the completed scheduling Order and the Motion by hand delivery, direct email (separate from CM/ECF) and/or fax, to the extent possible, on the Respondent(s), Trustee, Debtor, Debtor's Counsel, all secured creditors whose interests may be affected by the relief requested, U.S. Trustee and counsel for any committee. Service must also be via U.S. Mail. Movant shall immediately file a certificate of service indicating such service.
  (4)       Motion Court for Chapter 12 and 13 cases:  Judge Melaragno usually conducts Motion Court for all Chapter 12 and 13 cases on Tuesdays over the course of the year. Dates and times are announced and posted on his website throughout the year.
  (5)       Motion Court for Chapter 7, 11 and 15 cases: Judge Melaragno usually conducts Motion Court for all Chapter 7, 11, and 15 cases on Thursdays. Dates and times are announced and posted on his website throughout the year.
  (6)       Continued, Rescheduled, Cancelled Hearings: Hearings will not be continued, rescheduled, or cancelled, even if the matter has been settled, unless an appropriate motion and proposed order have been electronically filed with the Clerk's Office at least three (3) full business days before the scheduled hearing date. If time does not allow filing three (3) days before the scheduled hearing date, a representative of a Party must appear at the scheduled hearing to provide a status report to the Court. Calling Chambers or the Courtroom Deputies will not continue, reschedule, or cancel the hearing.
  (7)       Witnesses:
(a)       No witnesses will be heard and no exhibits will be received on motion days unless the Court specifically orders otherwise in a particular case. All Evidentiary Hearings will be specially scheduled.
(b)       For Evidentiary Hearings and Trials, witnesses and counsel for the parties shall appear in person unless prior arrangements have been made with Chambers, if appropriate cause is shown, by prior court order allowing the witness to appear by video or telephone. The use of depositions, generally, at Evidentiary Hearings and Trials will be governed by the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence, provided however, that Judge Melaragno will not allow the use of a deposition that was taken because the witness will be unavailable for the Evidentiary Hearing or Trial unless the party taking such deposition obtained prior approval of the Court.
  (8)       Hearing Procedures:
(a)       All hearings will be conducted in the Erie Bankruptcy Courtroom in-person, or via video conference from Judge Melaragno's Pittsburgh Courtroom (Courtroom "C." U.S. Steel Tower, 54th Floor). (Revised 8/7/2023)
(b) The Moving Party should stand at the podium. The Respondent(s) may be seated, generally, at counsel table closest to the podium. Counsel must speak clearly into a microphone. (Revised 10/8/2024)
(c) During hearings involving four (4) or more attorneys, the Court staff may supply Counsel with a portable microphone to facilitate clear recording of the hearing. Counsel are advised that a single button on the front of the portable microphone will turn the microphone on or mute the microphone. The microphone is on when the light on top of the portable microphone is green, the microphone is muted when the light on top of the portable microphone is red. Please ensure that your portable microphone is on when speaking. Remember to return your portable microphone at the conclusion of the hearing.
(d) All microphones in the Erie and Pittsburgh Courtrooms are sensitive, and Counsel should use discretion when speaking to Clients or other Counsel during or between hearings.
  (9)       Fee Applications: All fee applications for professionals must be signed by an attorney licensed to practice law and admitted to this Court and in a form consistent with W.PA.LBR 2016-1. Fee applications will be summarily dismissed if filed by anyone other than an attorney admitted to practice in this Court.
  (10)       Briefs: Unless Court permission is received, upon proper motion prior to filing, no brief by any Party shall be in excess of twenty (20) pages.
  (11)       Motions generally: (NOTE: The following procedure applies to motions, applications, objections to claim, etc., and responses thereto. For the sake of convenience, the procedure refers only to “motions,” but it should be understood to have this broader application.)
(a)       The practice of filing a motion with little more than a sentence or two stating the relief being requested and then directing the Court to an accompanying brief to identify the factual predicate for the motion is strongly disfavored by Judge Melaragno. Such motions are subject to summary dismissal without prejudice.
(b)       Motions in adversary proceedings and contested matters are required to “state with particularity the grounds therefor.” See Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7007, 9013. It is questionable whether the kind of “short form” motion described above meets this standard. Attorneys should not file a short form motion along with a brief and attempt to adopt it by reference into the motion by directing the Court to look to the brief to learn more about the basis for the motion.
(i)       As a matter of procedure, the Bankruptcy Rules do not contemplate adoption by reference in contested matters. See Fed.R.Bankr.P 9014. The practice is questionable at best in adversary proceedings because the brief does not qualify as a “pleading.” See Fed.R.Bankr.P 7007(a), 7010(c).
(ii)       On a more substantive and practical level, the practice of filing a short form motion with an accompanying brief makes it difficult for the opposing party to respond to the motion, not to mention the difficulty confronted by the Court in determining what is at issue or the basis for the motion.
(iii)       Although the Court appreciates and encourages the practice of filing an accompanying brief with a motion, it is expected by Judge Melaragno that the brief should only contain the legal citations in support of the relief requested in the motion and argument concerning the relevant facts. The motion itself should set forth only the necessary, factual allegations to support the motion and a clear statement of the relief being requested. Also, in preparing the allegations of fact in the motion, the Movant should strike a balance between the particularity requirement of Rule 9013 and the general, federal philosophy of short, concise “notice pleading” filings.
(c)       For the above reasons, consistent with the requirement for adversary proceedings pleadings as provided for in Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7010(b), Judge Melaragno expects that motions will be in numbered paragraph form and will themselves contain a sufficient factual predicate so as to enable opposing Parties and the Court to determine the grounds for the motion without the need to refer to an accompanying brief to identify the required factual predicate for the motion. The same applies to “responses” to motions, which, incidentally, are properly denominated as that – “response to motion” – rather than as an “objection,” “answer,” or other term. Responses should be in numbered paragraph form, corresponding to and responding to the same numbered paragraph in the motion. Additional material that the Respondent wishes to bring to the Court’s attention can be placed in new sequentially numbered paragraphs under a heading of “New Matter” or the like.
(d)       Consistent with the procedure regarding motions in adversary proceedings as set forth in W.PA.LBR 7008-1(c), Judge Melaragno generally does not allow replies or surreplies in his motion practice. The only exceptions are if the Court sua sponte orders them or permits them based on a motion seeking leave to file them for good cause shown. Any unauthorized reply or surreply that is filed will be disregarded and may be stricken.
  (12)       Motions For Summary Judgment: Summary judgment motions are sometimes filed in short form, i.e., a short paragraph requesting summary judgment incorporating by reference all allegations, references to the record, legal citations and argument contained in an accompanying brief. This approach is inconsistent with Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7007, 9013 and such motions are subject to summary dismissal without prejudice. Judge Melaragno expects that when a motion for summary judgment is filed, the motion itself will contain all allegations of undisputed, material fact along with references to the record and all required exhibits/attachments. Any accompanying brief which is filed should only be for purposes of legal citation and argument with reference to the relevant undisputed facts, similar to the procedure set forth in W.D.PA.LCvR 56.
  (13)       Rule 12(b) Motions In Adversary Proceedings: Because motions to dismiss pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b) are discouraged if the ground is a pleading defect that is curable by amendment, before any such motion is filed the moving party must first request to meet and confer with the respondent to try to reach an understanding regarding an amendment that can avoid the need for a motion. All such motions to dismiss must include a certificate of the moving party that a good faith effort to meet and confer was made prior to the filing, and the failure to include such certificate will be grounds for the summary dismissal of the motion. Respondents likewise have a duty to meet and confer in good faith when requested to do so and may be sanctioned for failing to comply, including the denial of leave to amend the pleading at issue.
  (14)       Sale Motions-EASI:
(a)       In order for the Court's "Electronic Access to Sales Information," or "EASI," to be effective, sales need to be posted on EASI as soon as possible, and the postings should provide useful information for potential buyers rather than just a bare minimum simply to meet the requirements of the Local Rules. For that reason, EASI postings are to be made contemporaneously with the associated sale motion and the information posted must demonstrate a good faith effort to meet the spirit of EASI. Failure to do so can result in a dismissal of the sale motion without prejudice.
(b)       Sale motions are to only name as Respondents those persons and entities that hold a lien, claim or encumbrance (collectively “interest”) against the property to be sold, which interest is to be transferred from the property being liquidated to the proceeds of sale. Each such Respondent and its respective interest must be identified in a separately numbered paragraph in the sale motion. Unsecured creditors should not be named as a Respondent. See, generally, L.R. 9013-3(c)(1), (4), and (7). A sale motion that fails to meet this requirement is subject to being summarily dismissed without prejudice.
  (15)       Motions for Temporary Restraining Order: A plaintiff must electronically file a motion for temporary restraining order and a motion for preliminary injunction at the same adversary number as the corresponding complaint for injunctive relief. See Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7065 and Fed.R.Civ.P. 65. As soon as the request for a temporary restraining order is filed, the plaintiff must call Chambers to arrange a hearing, i.e., Courtney at 814-464-9761
  (16)       Narrative Statements in Pleadings: Parties shall not begin complaints or motions with a narrative statement section entitled “Introduction,” “Background,” or “Preliminary Statement,” or something similar rather than with a numbered paragraph containing factual and legal allegations. The Court frowns upon this practice as contrary to the “short and plain statement” notice pleading philosophy of the Federal Rules and as bring unfair to the opposing party. See, Fed.R.Civ.P. 8(a)(2), 10(b), W.PA.LBR 5005-13(b)(3), and Three Rivers Hydroponics, LLC v. Florists' Mut. Ins. Co., 2018 WL 791405 *7 (W.D. Pa. Feb. 8, 2018). Consequently, when reviewing filed pleadings, the Court disregards such opening narrative statements and does not expect or require the opposing party to respond to them.
  (17)       Exhibits:
(a)       For exhibits to pleadings and motions, see General Procedure A(1)(b). For exhibits for use at hearings or trials, unless ordered otherwise, Counsel shall provide the Court, at its Chambers in Erie, with three (3) “paper” copies of the marked exhibits at least three (3) full business days prior to the final pretrial conference, or if there is no final pretrial conference in a matter then three (3) full business days prior to the date set for the commencement of any proceeding in which exhibits are to be offered. Each Party shall make an additional set of exhibits available for use by witnesses at the time of the taking of evidence in any proceeding. All exhibits must be marked by Counsel using appropriate exhibit labels. The labels must be marked to identify the proponent of the exhibit and the date of the proceeding in which it is used. Plaintiffs/Movants shall identify their exhibits by using letters. Defendants/ Respondents shall use exhibit numbers.
(b)       In addition to the other requirements of this Procedure, if any Party’s exhibits cumulatively number, in total aggregate, in excess of twenty (20), single-sided, pages (not including an “Exhibit List” cover page index) they shall be bound in some manner, i.e., in loose-leaf notebook or hard binding, at the time of presentation to the Court and for use during any proceeding. Also:
(i)       The lower right-hand corner of each page of the collective exhibit document shall be consecutively numbered (Bates Stamp numbering) from the first page to the last page, independent of exhibit identification numbers previously placed on exhibits.
(ii)       In addition to the paper copies of exhibits, the Party shall at the same time also provide the Court, at its Chambers in Erie, with a USB drive containing the scanned exhibits in PDF format with Bates Stamp numbering that matches the three (3) paper copies provided. Exhibits are NOT to be emailed to Chambers without prior Court approval.
(iii)       Filing: Exhibits should not be electronically filed prior to the hearing. Following a hearing the Court will generally issue an order requiring that each party electronically file exhibits ultimately admitted at the time of the hearing or trial. The format for electronically filing exhibits following a hearing or trial shall include a cover page with appropriate caption identifying the specifically filed exhibits.
(c)       Any document a Party wishes to use for impeachment purposes and not part of its case in the first instance must be delivered to Chambers in electronic medium format at least three (3) days prior to start of the proceeding to which they relate and otherwise comply with the within General Procedures relating to the pretrial submission and identification of Exhibits including the use of Bates Stamp numbering.
  (18)       Appraisal Reports: It is much better to have an original appraisal report when determining a valuation matter rather than just a black and white copy. Such reports typically include color photographs of the subject property and comparable properties, and a black and white reproduction leaves much to be desired. Accordingly, if any Party intends to use or rely on an appraisal report in a matter, it shall supply the Court with a color original of the appraisal report at least three (3) business days prior to the final pretrial conference, or at least three (3) business days prior to the evidentiary hearing in matters where there is no final pretrial conference.
  (19)       Standards for Attorneys: The Court expects that all attorneys appearing before it on behalf of a party at a hearing, whether a regular member of the Court’s bar or admitted pro hac vice, will be familiar with these Procedures, with the Local Rules of the Court, and with the case filings and background information relevant to the matter that is the subject of the hearing. An attorney who represents that he or she is appearing only as “local counsel” at a hearing is nevertheless expected to be fully conversant with the facts and legal issues underlying the matter that is the subject of the hearing.
  (20)       Communication with the Court:
(a)       Outside of scheduling matters, e.g., the setting of an argument/hearing or status conference and matters of an emergency nature, communication with the Court by Counsel related to a pending matter should normally be done only by way of an electronically filed pleading, motion, brief or other document. Furthermore, given the demonstrated effectiveness of the CM/ECF system, unless otherwise directed by the Court, it is not necessary for Counsel to supply the Court with paper “courtesy” copies of filed documents. See also General Procedure A(2), above.
(b)       Telephone communication with the Judge's staff on a pending matter is permissible only as to non-substantive scheduling and housekeeping matters.
  (1)       Scheduling of Hearing: As a general matter, most motions, applications, and other requests for relief filed in Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13 and 15 cases are to be self-scheduled. (Exceptions are noted below in Paragraph B(2)). Parties are directed to the Court’s website for dates and times that may be used for self-scheduling hearings.
(a)       The Moving Party shall choose a hearing date from the list provided on the Court’s website for its appropriate chapter and shall complete, file and serve a Notice of Hearing (see Paragraph B(3), below). ONLY the hearing dates published by the Court shall be used. Any matters scheduled by a Moving Party for a date other than dates provided will be dismissed without prejudice to being refiled, re-noticed, and rescheduled by the Moving Party in a timely manner for an authorized date. If a matter is dismissed for noncompliance, the Moving Party must serve all parties in interest with notice of the dismissal Order and cancellation of its hearing. Certificates of No Objection (CNOs) are required to be timely filed if no answer/response is filed.
No documents filed less than three (3) business days before a scheduled hearing will be considered by the Court at the scheduled hearing unless exigent circumstances are demonstrated in the pleading itself.
(b)       The Moving Party may schedule a new motion for hearing on a date with a previously scheduled matter in front of Judge Melaragno, provided appropriate service requirements and response deadlines are met.
(c)       Motions for Extension of the Automatic Stay for Pittsburgh cases may be scheduled before a Pittsburgh judge if Judge Melaragno does not offer a timely hearing date. Motions for Extension of the Automatic Stay for Erie cases may NOT be scheduled before a Pittsburgh Judge. The Motion should be filed and Judge Melaragno will issue an Order scheduling it for hearing. Except for unique circumstances, Motions for Extension of the Automatic Stay are to be filed upon filing of the petition to allow for entry of an order before the expiration of thirty (30) days.
  (2)       Self-Scheduling Exceptions.
(a)       Except with respect to those matters listed in Paragraph B(2)(b), below, the Moving Party shall proceed as set forth in Paragraph B(1)(a), above.
(1)  Adversary Proceedings (All Motions)
(2)  Amendments to Schedules
(3)  Application for Appointment of Ch. 7 Trustee Atty. Pro Se
(4)  Ch. 11, 12 & 13 Plans & Amendments
(5)  Disclosure Statements for Ch 11 cases
(6)  Emergency/Expedited Hearing
(7)  Evidentiary Hearings
(8)  Extensions of Time
(9)  First Day Motions (A Motion for Expedited Hearing should also accompany the filing. Chambers will advise of hearing date.)
(10)  Motion for Temporary Restraining Order
(11)  Motions seeking relief under Sections 1113 and 1114
(12)  Motions for Summary Judgment
(13)  Objections to Notices of Postpetition Mortgage Fees, Expenses, and Charges/Notices of Mortgage Payment Change (Revised: 12/19/2023)
(14)  Plan Amendments (*)
(15)  Plan Confirmation Hearings for Ch. 11, 12, or 13 (*)
*Chapter 13 Plan Amendments/Amended Plan Confirmation Hearings are scheduled by Counsel for the Debtor/Pro Se Debtor via the Chapter 13 Trustee’s website and procedures.
(16)  Reconsider, Vacate, or Modify an Order
(17)  Restrict Access/Redact Document
(18)  Status Conference
(19)  Termination of Wage Attachments (Such Motions are exempt from self-scheduling if consented to by Trustee. In such case, an order will be entered upon Motion filing.)
(20)  Wage Attachments
  (3)       Notice of Hearing:  Except with respect to matters that require a longer notice period (such as objections to claims) at least twenty-five (25) calendar days before the chosen authorized hearing date, the Moving Party shall simultaneously electronically file the motion and notice of hearing and serve same on the United States Trustee and all other respondents and parties in interest. The motion must be filed in sufficient time to allow the 17-day response time (14-day notice and 3 days for service) required by Local Rule and to ensure that the deadline for filing responses is no later than seven (7) calendar days before the scheduled hearing date. Objections to claims must be filed at least thirty (30) days before the chosen hearing date, with a response deadline of at least seven (7)-days before the chosen hearing date.
  (4)       Appearance of Counsel at Hearings: Counsel must appear at the scheduled hearing unless the order scheduling the hearing specifically provides otherwise. Do not contact Chambers or Judge Melaragno’s Courtroom Deputy concerning whether a scheduled hearing has been cancelled. To determine whether a matter remains on the hearing calendar, check the calendar at after 3:00 P.M. the day before the hearing. Orders entered by default will be posted as “removed” at the end of the hearing calendar. To verify whether a default order has been entered, check the docket.
  (5)       Telephone Participation:
(a)       TELEPHONE PARTICIPATION. For Chapter 11 cases only, in an effort to accommodate the Bar and reduce travel expense, the Court may allow Counsel and Parties located more than one hundred (100) miles away from Pittsburgh (for a Pittsburgh case) and from Pittsburgh or Erie (for an Erie case) Courthouses to appear by telephone for NON-EVIDENTIARY hearings. Appearances, either in person or via video conference from Judge Melaragno’s Pittsburgh Courtroom is required in all other instances.
(b)       ADVANCE NOTICE: Parties or counsel wishing to participate in a hearing by telephone, where permitted, must advise the Court and opposing Parties at least three (3) business days prior to the hearing in which the request to appear by phone is being made. Arrangements for telephone or video conference participation may be made by contacting Pamela, at 814-464-9760.
(i)       If more than one Party is to participate by telephone, the Party initiating the call must arrange to have the other Party(ies) on the line before connecting to the Court line.
(ii)       If more than one Party is to be joined on the call, it is required that a commercial telephone conference service (i.e., Verizon, Sprint, AT&T) be used; otherwise, the transmission is often degraded to an inaudible level.
(iii)       Use of a speaker phone or cell phone by any participant during the conference call is strictly prohibited.
  (6)       Certificate of No Objection Procedure:
(a)       As noted in Paragraph B(1)(a), above, the “Certificate of No Objection” procedure is mandatory in all cases. The CNO procedure is vital to the efficient operation of Motion Court. Because of the large volume of matters requiring a hearing, it is imperative for the CNO process to work effectively and eliminate the need for hearings when possible. As such, the Court will strictly enforce the Local Rules requiring the use of the CNO process in all matters.
(b)       If a Certificate of No Objection is required in any case and timely filed, the matter may be removed from the calendar by entry of a default order. Matters in which a default order may be entered thereby cancelling the hearing, typically include: relief from stay motions, avoidance of lien(s) motions and objections to claims. In the event that no response or answer to a particular matter has been filed, the Parties may check the Court's website ( the afternoon before the hearing to determine if the hearing will go forward or if a default order has been entered.
(c)       If a Certificate of No Objection is not timely filed, the matter will remain on the calendar and Counsel must appear at the hearing and explain to the Court why a CNO was not timely filed.
  (7)       No Certification of Counsel: Because he views the process as unnecessary and an added burden on Counsel, Judge Melaragno has decided to eliminate the use of the Certification of Counsel procedure as outlined in W.PA.LBR 9013-8. Certifications of Counsel should not be filed and any that are filed will be disregarded. If a disputed matter is settled by agreement of the parties prior to a scheduled hearing, it may be brought to the Court’s attention by other appropriate means, including the filing of a proposed consent order, a response indicating consent to the relief requested, or a motion to approve settlement.
  (1)       Cases Ready for Trustee’s Final Account/Report:
(a)       In Chapter 13 cases involving a 60-month plan and following completion of the 60th month from Plan Confirmation, the Court routinely schedules Status Conferences to determine the need for entering a schedule for implementation of close out procedures.
(b)       In cases involving a plan having duration of less than 60 months (e.g., 36 months, 48 months, etc.), the Court requires Debtor’s Counsel to file a Motion requesting a Status Conference to determine whether Court intervention is needed to close out the case in instances where the case has not been closed within four (4) months of the end of the plan term.
(c)       In any such Motion for Status Conference, Counsel should advise the Court as to whether: (1) the plan base is met; (2) the date on which the plan duration has run; and (3) within four (4) months of either event, whether the Chapter 13 Trustee has filed a final account/report or taken some other action toward closing the case (i.e., notifying Debtors that they are to assume responsibility with the mortgage payments and cease making payments to the Trustee).
(d)       Service of the Motion, including any scheduling notice related thereto, shall be made upon the Chapter 13 Trustee. Nothing contained in these procedures should be deemed or construed to eliminate the Chapter 13 Trustee's responsibility to promptly close-out Chapter 13 cases where the plan term has expired and the plan goals (and base) have been met.
  (2)       Unexcused Failure to Attend Hearings:
(a)       An additional undue burden is placed on the system when Debtor’s Counsel, without appropriate explanation or prior contact with the Trustee’s Office, fails to appear at a Section 341 Meeting or conciliation/confirmation conference conducted by the Ch. 13 Trustee.
(b)       Failure of Debtor’s Counsel to attend, without either obtaining a prior order continuing a previously scheduled Section 341 Meeting or conciliation/confirmation conference, or, in the event of an emergency, making a timely phone call to the Ch. 13 Trustee advising her of the need to reschedule the same, evidences a lack of professionalism. Failure to afford the proper courtesy due to a fellow member of the Bar in addition to unduly burdening the Ch. 13 process and the system, generally, requiring additional, unnecessary hearings is unacceptable conduct. It is this Court’s policy that such conduct exposes counsel to a $100 sanction, after notice and hearing.
  (3)       Amendments to Plans:
(a)       It is not necessary to file a Motion to Modify when an amendment to a Chapter 13 Plan is sought. Instead, the proponent must file a “Notice of Proposed Modification to Plan Dated (insert date),” which substantially complies with JCM Form 13-5 found on Judge Melaragno's website, and, the proposed Amended Chapter 13 Plan, as the case may be, together as a single PDF document with the Notice being the first page.
(b)       If the above two items are correctly filed, the proposed amendment will follow the Court’s standard conciliation/confirmation process and Counsel shall schedule the conciliation. Of course, when Counsel serves the Amended Plan on all creditors, Counsel should also serve the Notice of Proposed Modification as well and file a Certificate of Service.
(c)       If Counsel fails to include the Notice of Proposed Modification to Plan as the first page of the PDF, then the Court will issue a text order and allow ten (10) days to file the documents correctly. Failure to timely make the correction will result in the entry of an Order denying confirmation of the Amended Plan without prejudice for failure to adhere with these procedures.
  (1)       First Day Motions are to be accompanied by a Motion for Expedited Hearing in compliance with Procedure A(3), above. See also W.PA.LBR 9013-2. The matters will then be scheduled by Chambers. First Day Motions in Complex Chapter 11 cases will be handled in accordance with the Court's Complex Chapter 11 Case Rules. See W.PA.LBR. 1002-2 through 1002-10.
  (2)       In cases where the Debtor is granted permission to continue using a pre-petition checking account, Debtor-in- Possession (DIP) checks are to be numbered with a fifty (50) number gap in sequence.
  (3)       In the event the Debtor(s) wishes the case to proceed under Subchapter V but did not elect to proceed under Subchapter V of Chapter 11 in the Voluntary Petition, the Debtor shall file a Motion to Elect Subchapter V Treatment which indicates that the Debtor(s) is eligible under 11 U.S.C. § 1182(1).
  (1)       Upon the filing of the case, a comprehensive Administrative Order is issued directing the Debtor as to the appropriate form Plan and Confirmation to be used as well as the completion and filing of other relevant documents. Once the Chapter 12 Trustee is appointed, a detailed Administrative Order concerning the duties and responsibilities of the Trustee are identified. Judge Melaragno requires strict adherence to these procedures.
  (2)       In accordance with the requirements of the Chapter 12 Administrative Order now currently issued in all Chapter 12 cases (see Paragraph (1), above), a Disclosure Statement containing the financial information of the Debtor(s) is now required to be filed contemporaneously with the Chapter 12 Plan and Plan Summary.
  (3)       The Court requires the Chapter 12 Plan Confirmation Order to be substantially in compliance with the Court's form order (JCM Form 12-1). The Court has also posted several other form orders/certifications to be used in Chapter 12 cases (JCM Forms 12-1 through 12-6).