Standing Order Number * |
Description |
23-213 | Increase in Transcript Fee Rates [Superseded by Standing Order 24-206] |
23-204 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Edith Hotchkiss [Expired] |
23-203 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Qianfan Wu [Expired] |
22-228 | Order Regarding Transfer of Pending Cases Involving Judge Thomas P. Agresti [Consummated upon final case transfer of Judge Agresti’s cases] [Superseded by Standing Order 23-210] |
22-227 | Amendment to General Order 2014-3 [Superseded by Standing Order 23-210] |
22-224 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by David Zhang [Expired] |
22-218 | Amendment of Interim Rule 1020 Necessitated by the Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act [Superseded by Standing Order 24-205] |
22-208 | Revision of the Interim Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 1020 Due to the Expiration of the Applicable Provisions of The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act of 2020 (the “CARES Act”) [Superseded by Standing Order 22-218] |
21-218 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Nhan Le [Expired] |
21-217 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Qianyang Zhang [Expired] |
21-216 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Kristoph Kleiner [Expired] |
21-212 | The Use of Face Masks in Bankruptcy Court Facilities [Superseded by Standing Order 22-206] |
21-209 | The Use of Face Masks in Bankruptcy Court Facilities [Superseded by Standing Order 21-212] |
21-208 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Belisa Ana Pang [Expired] |
21-202 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Jeyul Yang [Expired] |
20-217 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Nicole Jenkins [Expired] |
20-216 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Chad Brown [Expired] |
21-214 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Marcus Polite [Expired] |
20-211 | Mandatory Use of Face Masks/Coverings in Public Areas of Bankruptcy Court Facilities [Superseded by Standing Order 21-209] |
20-210 | Adoption of Revised Interim Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 1020 Pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Economic Security Act Of 2020 (The “CARES Act”) [Superseded by Standing Order 22-208] |
19-212 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Jacelly Cespedes [Expired] |
19-211 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Dalie Jimenez [Expired] |
18-209 | Court Operations in the Absence of an Appropriation or Continuing Resolution [Superseded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019] |
18-208 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees for Michelle M. Miller [Expired] |
18-206 | Court Closure on December 5, 2018 - National Day of Mourning [Expired] |
18-204 | Complex Chapter 11 Case Procedure Effective October 15, 2018 [Superseded by the November 2021 Local Rules 1002-2 through 1002-10] |
17-215 | New Chapter 13 Plan (Local Bankruptcy Form 10) Effective December 1, 2017 [Superseded by Standing Order 21-215] |
17-213 | New Chapter 13 Plan (Local Bankruptcy Form 10) Effective December 1, 2017 [Superseded by Standing Order 21-215] |
17-205 | Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules Effective June 15, 2017 [Superseded by Standing Order 21-215] |
17-203 | Court Operations in the Absence of an Appropriation or Continuing Resolution [Superseded by Standing Order 18-209] |
17-201 | Amendment to Local Bankruptcy Rule 9010-1(b) Effective March 1, 2017 [Superseded by Standing Order 17-205] |
16-204 | Exemption from the Electronic Public Access Fees by Katharine Waldock [Expired] |
16-201 | Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules Effective April 1, 2016 [Superseded by Standing Order 17-205] |
GO 2015-4 | Implementation of Revised Local Rules Effective August 1, 2015 [Superseded by Standing Order 17-205] |
GO 2015-3 | One Year Exemption from PACER Fees by Prof. Daniel A. Austin [Expired] |
GO 2015-2 | One Year Exemption from PACER Fees by Prof. Margaret Howard, et al. [Expired] |
GO 2015-1 | Increase to Loss Mitigation Program Portal Fee Effective February 15, 2015 [Superseded by Standing Order 21-204] |
GO 2014-5 | One Year Exemption from PACER Fees by Katherine Waldock, et al. [Expired] |
GO 2014-4 | Reassignment of Cases [Expired] |
GO 2014-3 | Assignment of Cases [Superseded by SO 23-210] |
GO 2014-2 | Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms Relating to the Loss Mitigation Program [Superseded by General Order 2015-4] |
GO 2014-1 | Required Use of Court-approved Document Preparation Software Prior to Commencing Loss Mitigation [Superseded by General Order 2014-2] |
GO 2013-16 | Deposit and Investment of Registry Funds [Superseded by Standing Order 16-207] |
GO 2013-15 | CM/ECF Filing Privileges for United States Trustee [Expired] |
GO 2013-14 | Court Operations in the Absence of an Appropriation or Continuing Resolution [Expired] |
GO 2013-13 | Court Operations in the Absence of an Appropriation or Continuing Resolution [Superseded by General Order 2013-14] |
GO 2013-12 | Amendment to Local Rule 9019-6 (d) [Superseded by General Order 2015-4] |
GO 2013-11 | Amendment to Local Rule 9020-4 (f) and Replacement of Local Form 46 by an online Loss Mitigation Final Report [Superseded by General Order 2014-2] |
GO 2013-10 | Amendment to Local Rule 2016-1 (f) [Superseded by General Order 2015-4] |
GO 2013-9 | Assignment of Cases [Superseded by 2014-3] |
GO 2013-8 | Order Governing Transfer of Pending Chapter 13 Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2013-7 | One Year Exemption from PACER Fees for Daniel A. Austin [Expired]. |
GO 2013-6 | Assignment of Chapter 11 Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2013-5 | Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules and Forms [Superseded by General Order 2015-4] |
GO 2013-3 | Consolidated Model Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Dispute Resolution Plan [Superseded by Standing Order 19-216] |
GO 2013-2 | Order Governing Transfer of Pending Judge Judith K. Fitzgerald Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2013-1 | Assignment of Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2012-9 | Assignment of Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-1] |
GO 2012-8 | Implementation of Interim Local Bankruptcy Rules 3002-2, 5007-1 and 9037-1, and Local Forms 37 and 38 [Superseded by General Order 2013-5] |
GO 2012-7 | Establishment of Loss Mitigation Program and Procedures [Superseded by General Order 2013-5] |
GO 2012-6 | Procedure for Submitting Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Consistent with Fed. R. Bankr.P.9033 [Superseded by General Order 2013-5] |
GO 2012-5 | Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees for Alan White for a One-Year Period [Expired] |
GO 2012-4 | Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees for Daniel A. Austin for a One-Year Period [Expired] |
GO 2012-3 | Certain Administrative and General Orders and Court Procedures [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2012-2 | Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules [Superseded by General Order 2013-5] |
GO 2012-1 | Exemption from Electronic Public Access Fees for Elizabeth Warren for a One-Year Period [Expired] |
AO 2012-1 | Administrative Order Governing all Chapter 13 Cases Assigned to the Honorable Judith K. Fitzgerald. [Superseded by the Revised Local Bankruptcy Rules effective as of April 1, 2016] |
GO 2011-6 | Order Governing Transfer of Pending Judge Bernard Markovitz Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-9] |
GO 2011-5 | Assignment of Cases [Superseded by General Order 2013-1] |
GO 2011-4 | Consolidated Model Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Dispute Resolution Plan. [Superseded by General Order 2013-3] |
GO 2011-3 | Bank Service Charges on Chapter 7 Estate Accounts. [Superseded by the Revised Local Bankruptcy Rules effective as of April 1, 2016] |
GO 2011-2 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Anne Lawton for a One-Year Period [Expired] |
GO 2011-1 | Court Security [Superseded by General Order 2013-4] |
GO 2010-10 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2011-5] |
GO 2010-9 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2011-5] |
GO 2010-8 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Elizabeth Warren for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2010-7 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Qianqian Huang for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2010-6 | Pro Hac Vice Motions. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2010-5 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2011-5] |
GO 2010-4 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Anne Lawton for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2010-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Lois R. Lupica for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2010-2 | Electronic Case Filing Procedure #14 Modified to Allow Limited Filers To Electronically File Additional Types of Documents. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2010-1 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2011-5] |
GO 2009-10 | Amendments to General Order 2009-8. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2009-9 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Elizabeth Warren for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2009-8 | Adoption of Amendments to Local Rules, Court Procedures Manual, Local Forms, and General Orders. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2009-7 | Adoption of Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2009-6 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2010-1] |
GO 2009-5 | Exemption of PACER Fees for MIT Professor Antoinette Schoar for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2009-4 | Dismissal for Failure To File the List of 20 largest Unsecured Creditors. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2009-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Associate Professor of Law Anne Lawton of Michigan State University for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2009-2 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Associate Professor Robert Howard, J.D., Ph.D., and Shenita Brazelton of Georgia State University for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
AO 2009-2 | Supplementing Chapter 13 Procedure #9 Concerning Notice of Monthly Payment Changes. [Superseded by the Revised Local Bankruptcy Rules effective as of April 1, 2016] |
GO 2009-1 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Jialan Wang, Tal Gross, and Matthew Notowidigdo of MIT for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
AO 2009-1 | Governing Transfer of Cases to Judge Thomas Agresti. [Superseded by General Order 2011-5] |
GO 2008-7 | Rescission of General Order 2005-4 (Adoption of Interim Bankruptcy Rules) and Retention of Interim Rule 5012. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2008-6 | Electronic Transcripts and Redaction Policy. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2008-5 | Chapter 13 Proof of Claim Filing Requirements; General Order 2000-2 Rescinded. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2008-4 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Antoinette Schoar, Professor Tom Chang, and Michael Sugar of MIT for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2008-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Elizabeth Warren for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2008-2 | Adoption of Revised Chapter 13 Plan. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2008-1 | Increase in Chapter 13 Counsel Fee. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2007-5 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Adam J. Levitin for a One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2007-4 | Increase to Transcript Fee Rates & a New 14-Day Transcript Delivery Category [Superseded by Standing Order 23-213] |
GO 2007-3 | Setting of Claims Bar Date in Chapter 11 Cases. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2007-2 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School for One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2007-1 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Hülya Eraslan of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania for One-Year Period. [Expired] |
AO 2007-1 | Rescinding of Administrative Order 2003-1 re: Local Bankruptcy Form 20 - Certificate of No Objection. [Superseded by General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2006-4 | Amendment to Interim Rule 1007 and Revised Official Forms. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2006-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Antoinette Schoar, Professor Tom Chang, and Samantha O'Keefe of MIT for One-Year Period. [Expired] |
GO 2006-2 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School for One-Year Period. [Expired] |
AO 2006-2 | Transfer of Chapter 13 Cases to Judge Deller from Judge Agresti. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2006-1 | Filing Fees as to All Clients Represented or Formerly Represented by Certain Counsel. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
AO 2006-1 | Transfer of Chapter 13 Cases transferred to Judge Deller from Judge Fitzgerald. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
AO 2005-8 | Motions To Extend Deadline Date To Complete Petition in Erie Division Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2005-7 | Adoption of Revised Chapter 13 Plan and Related Rules and Procedures. [Superseded by General Order 2008-2] |
AO 2005-7 | Motions To Extend Deadline Date To Complete Petition in Pittsburgh Division Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2005-6 | Debtors Asserting Exception to Limitation to Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(l) and Procedure for Receiving Rent Deposits. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2005-5 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2009-6] |
AO 2005-5 | Certification Requesting Waiver of Credit Counseling. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2005-4 | Adoption of Interim Bankruptcy Rules. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
AO 2005-4 | Reaffirmation Agreements. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2005-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Drs. Lars Lefgren and Frank McIntyre of Brigham Young University for Three-Month Period. [Expired] |
GO 2005-2 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Professor Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School for One-Year Period. [Expired] |
AO 2005-2 | Payments to Personal Property Lessors and Secured Creditors, Including Pre-Confirmation Adequate Protection Payments. [Superseded by General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2005-1 | Exemption from PACER Fees for David W. Pickens, Divorce Master for the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford County, Pennsylvania [Superseded by Standing Order 23-202] |
AO 2005-1 | Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearings. [Superseded by the Revised Local Bankruptcy Rules effective as of April 1, 2016] |
ordadm041223a | Administrative Order with Respect to 2019 Statements and/or Exhibits Submitted in Asbestos Cases 00-22876, 02-10298, and 02-21626 [Each of the respective cases is closed.] |
GO 2004-5 | Adoption of Local Rules, Forms, Court Procedures Manual and Electronic Case Filing Procedures. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
GO 2004-4 | Permanent Exemption from PACER Fees for Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Services, Inc. [Superseded by Standing Order 22-217] |
GO 2004-3 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2005-5] |
GO 2004-1 | Approval of Local Bankruptcy Rules. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
AO 2004-1 | Transfer of Pending Chapter 13 cases to Judge Thomas P. Agresti. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2003-6 | CM/ECF Training/Testing; Continuing Legal Education Credits Withheld. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2003-5 | Permanent Exemption from PACER Fees for the Northwestern Legal Services of Erie, Pennsylvania [Superseded by Standing Order 22-216] |
GO 2003-4 | Increase in Transcript Fee Rates Charged. [Superseded by General Order 2007-4] |
GO 2003-2 | Permanent Exemption from PACER Fees for Neighborhood Legal Services Association [Superseded by Standing Order 22-215] |
GO 2003-1 | Electronic Filing and Proposed Local Rules. [Superseded by General Order 2012-2] |
AO 2003-1 | Local Bankruptcy Form 20 - Certificate of No Objection. [Rescinded by General Order 2007-1] |
GO 2002-6 | Permanent Exemption from PACER Fees for Panel Trustees in the Western District of Pennsylvania [Superseded by Standing Order 22-214] |
GO 2002-5 | Exemption of PACER fees for Allegheny County Bar Association (ACBA) [Rescinded with General Order 2004-2] |
GO 2002-4 | Exemption from PACER Fees for the Family Division, Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania [Superseded by Standing Order 23-201] |
GO 2002-3 | Exemption of PACER Fees for Panel Trustees for Eight Month Period. [Expired] |
GO 2002-2 | Chapter 13 Plan Combined with Claims by Debtor Pursuant to FRBP 3004. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
AO 2002-2 | Chapter 13 Trustee Directed To Place All Funds Designated for Certain Counsel into Interest-Bearing Escrow Account. [Superseded by General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2002-1 | Assignment of Cases. [Superseded by General Order 2004-3] |
AO 2002-1 | Counsel Barred from Representing Any Parties. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
AO 2001-2 | Telephone and Internet Policy and Guidelines. [Expired] |
GO 2001-1 | Application for Professional Fees/Compensation and Expenses in Chapter 13 Cases. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2000-4 | Motion for Wage Attachment. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2000-3 | Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9019 and Fed. R. Civ. P. 26. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
GO 2000-2 | Proofs of Claim in Chapter 13 Cases. [Rescinded by General Order 2008-5] |
GO 2000-1 | Court Electronic Noticing Procedures. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
AO 2000-1 | Change of Payee and Location on Income Attachment Orders, Electronic Transfers and All Other Sources of Chapter 13 Plan Payments. [No longer in effect pursuant to General Order 2012-3] |
* Standing Orders replaced General Orders (GO) and Administrative Orders (AO) on April 1, 2016 pursuant to W.PA.LBR 1001-4.